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The London Clojurians are proud to present the speakers and schedule for re:Clojure 2021, Grab your free ticket while you can!

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Jakub Holý (HolyJak)16:11:39

My #fulcro workshop at re:Clojure is quite popular and became full but do not despair, I will be happy to run it again, improved based on learnings from re:Clojure. Perhaps early in January? If you are interested, go to and get the "ticket" type "Register interest...". After re:Clojure I will mail you to figure out which time-frame would suit most of the interested.

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Daniel Slutsky18:11:10

A reminder about the Intro to Statistical Inference workshop by Rohit Thadani in less than an hour: Event: Zulip chat:

Daniel Slutsky22:11:33

Here are the workshops in the coming 3 days: Nov. 18, 05:30 UTC 120min Wrangling Arrays with dtype-next This workshop will introduce dtype-next, explain its position in the Clojure data science ecosystem, and introduce the key concepts and techniques necessary for working with its performant buffers/arrays. Ethan Miller Nov. 19, 14:00 UTC 90min Your Namespace as a Notebook Notespace allows the creation of visual documents without leaving the comfort of the familiar Clojure editor, REPL, and namespace. It has evolved through usage in the Scicloj community. We will practice basic use of Notespace, discuss its design choices and relationship to other projects, and chat about future challenges. Daniel Slutsky Nov. 20, 15:00 UTC 120min Wrangling Arrays with dtype-next This workshop will introduce dtype-next, explain its position in the Clojure data science ecosystem, and introduce the key concepts and techniques necessary for working with its performant buffers/arrays. David Sletten