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Brian Abbott13:03:21

Hey Everyone, here are the Zoom details for tonights meetup: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 811 1989 3107 Passcode: 844221 One tap mobile <tel:+12532158782,,81119893107#|+12532158782,,81119893107#>,,,,*844221# US (Tacoma) <tel:+13462487799,,81119893107#|+13462487799,,81119893107#>,,,,*844221# US (Houston) Dial by your location <tel:+12532158782|+1 253 215 8782> US (Tacoma) <tel:+13462487799|+1 346 248 7799> US (Houston) <tel:+16699006833|+1 669 900 6833> US (San Jose) <tel:+13017158592|+1 301 715 8592> US (Washington DC) <tel:+13126266799|+1 312 626 6799> US (Chicago) <tel:+19292056099|+1 929 205 6099> US (New York) Meeting ID: 811 1989 3107 Passcode: 844221 Find your local number:

🙏 3
Steven Deobald21:03:45

I just got a sneak peak of Jeremy's slides... this is going to be quite fun. 🙂