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Samuel Ludwig15:05:02

I often hear about how people like Helix's motions better than vims, I wonder if some time we'll see a proliferation of helix-mode like we do with evil


Possibly related: meow

Samuel Ludwig15:05:34

ohhhh never heard of this beforee

Drew Verlee17:05:09

Whats your preferred value for clojure-backend when writing clojurescript? why? Here is the emacs defvar for reference:

(defvar clojure-backend (if (configuration-layer/layer-used-p 'lsp) 'lsp 'cider)
  "The backend to use for IDE features.
Possible values are `lsp' and `cider'.
If `nil' then 'cider` is the default backend unless `lsp' layer is used")


I don't understand why spaceeamcs splits those, why not use both?

💯 1
Drew Verlee17:05:02

I have used spacemacs for so long i hadn't considered using both. I assumed they overlapped so much it caused issues trying to merge the functionality. Are you using both in your setup eric?


they have overlaps in one feature or other and you can actually have configurations like, try to find defintion with LSP if nothing is found use cider, so yeah, me and doom-emacs users have been using like that for years, would be nice to review this concept in spaceemacs

Drew Verlee17:05:42

ugh, every 6 months i think about using doom emacs, but i always find roadblocks. Like no obvious translation of the "paredit like" movement and s-expression manipulator that i'm using.

Drew Verlee17:05:26

That choice then rolls in the "why not just use intelliji" discussion i have when ever i'm working on more java oriented code lol.

Drew Verlee17:05:57

what logic is handling the "try to find definition with lsp if nothing is found use cider"?


> what logic is handling the "try to find definition with lsp if nothing is found use cider"? That one is a custom one not in doom, let me try to find it


but the overlap is quite minor, basically there is find-definition, references, completion and hover overlaps and each one you can have these kind of custom logic

Drew Verlee17:05:34

So is doom handling merging the functionality out of the box? Or are you having to add the ability to use both?

Drew Verlee17:05:52

I prefer slow and steady functionality. So i'm happy to lag behind things until their integrated into a full feature suit in a way that doesn't break other things...


Given the question is for clojurescript, I'd say lsp (we do have a fairly nice feature set in CIDER for all things cljs, but clojure-lsp is generally ahead in this area)


> I don't understand why spaceeamcs splits those, why not use both? This 🙂 the ideal thing would be to mix and match logic, for instance for Java we have a unique offering


> So is doom handling merging the functionality out of the box? Or are you having to add the ability to use both? Not really, this kinda works already when installind lsp-mode/eglot + cider, so no custom doom tweak on this AFAIK


would be nice to check what that spaceemacs var does