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anyone else experience extremely slow file write performance on MacOS? I observe file write latency >1m when using emacs-plus with version 29.


probably going to dig into it with if I continue to observe this, will note findings here

Ben Sless14:05:00

Yes. It's sporadic but annoying when it happens


Emacs-plus works fine on Mac I was given for work (Arm chipset). I did not choose to use the native compilation, just normal Emacs config.

Linus Ericsson20:05:51

oh, this could be it.


update: profiling the function with etrace has revealed that... save-buffer is slow. no indication whatsoever of where the time is going, but I need to take some more time to see if I can get more detailed tracing.


update: I have observed this issue on a Linux VM as well. previous profiling efforts didn't reveal this, but after checking my hooks I have a strong reason to believe the vc-refresh-state function was a major contributing factor to this latency. Disabling the hook that called it, added automatically by the lambda-line package, made performance significantly better - on multiple systems. I am not the only person to (this is, to be fair, from quite a while ago) with the built-in vc backend. Worth checking if you observe this issue as well! tl;dr - if you have bad performance with file writes, check your hooks and see if you can speed up or disable vc related commands.

👍 1

another potential optimization if you need vc-related hooks: the default value of vc-handled-backends is almost certainly looking for ancient VC systems you don't care about:

vc-handled-backends is a variable defined in 'vc-hooks.el'.

Its value is (RCS CVS SVN SCCS SRC Bzr Git Hg)
you can set it to git alone:
(setq vc-handled-backends '(Git))
and avoid that.


update: I have observed this issue on a Linux VM as well. previous profiling efforts didn't reveal this, but after checking my hooks I have a strong reason to believe the vc-refresh-state function was a major contributing factor to this latency. Disabling the hook that called it, added automatically by the lambda-line package, made performance significantly better - on multiple systems. I am not the only person to (this is, to be fair, from quite a while ago) with the built-in vc backend. Worth checking if you observe this issue as well! tl;dr - if you have bad performance with file writes, check your hooks and see if you can speed up or disable vc related commands.

👍 1