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Drew Verlee01:05:08

when i use helm to search for something (e.g "cider-test"). emacs lets me select from only 2 options (see picture) instead of the full list. (everything other emacs commands in the picture). What can i do so all the results are something i can tab through?

Drew Verlee01:05:47

its like it's only letting me search the command history.

Drew Verlee01:05:20

maybe i changed my settings? What setting is this? Helm something?

Drew Verlee01:05:27

i guess the answer is to "move to the next source" which i can do by pressing "l" because i'm in vim mode.


I think this behavior changed recently ish - I used to be able to move to the next source using just the down key, now I need the right key


Confused me quite a bit when this changed (might have been a config changed in my end)

👍 1

C-j and C-k should navigate every item Or use the arrow keys.

🙏 1

Is there a font face I can customize for docstrings as distinct for strings?

Samuel Ludwig15:05:00

I figure it would have to be tree-sitter-aware to distinguish, or otherwise hooked into some kind of static analyzer? I'm sure its technically possible if it could do that though. I don't know one off the top of my head however


Ah shame. I could have sworn I had it in the past but I must have imagined it.

Samuel Ludwig15:05:22

I haven't explored too too much, so it very well could be out there!

❤️ 1

not sure i understand the question but i see font-lock-doc-face distinct from font-lock-string-face


oh yes that’s it!


M-x describe-char is your friend, can tell you quite a bit about what'd underneath the text at point

🌟 2

Ah I already tried describe-face, but because I had another mode interacting with the underlying mode, the original face was hidden. But I appreciate the comment!


Oh I see describe-char shows both! That is useful.


I’m trying to get the docstring face to override the prism face but just for docstring,


Doesn’t seem easy though…


in clojure-mode you can control the index of the element that's considered a doc string like this

(put 'defn 'clojure-doc-string-elt 2)
 (put '>defn 'clojure-doc-string-elt 4)


so if you use plumatic style defn syntax, i set it to 4


A slightly different problem, but thanks. I’m talking about prism.el the indentation level highlighter as opposed to anything from prismatic! The problem I’m trying to solve is that I’m using prism mode to colourize but I want docstrings to ALWAYS be in a docstring face, but there’s no way to give a whole face a priority in emacs and prism.el doesn’t have an escape hatch…

👍 1