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Fredrik Meyer12:04:51

I have an annoying issue with LSP-mode. Whenever lsp-ui-sideline-mode is turned on, the code jumps, like in the video here: Has anyone encountered the same and/or found a solution to this?


that's weird, but one question: why do you use this sideline code actions feature? I used to use that, but I realized it was too noisy and since clojure-lsp added so many others code actions during the past years, it's easier to see or filter what I want after I lsp-execute-code-action

Fredrik Meyer12:04:18

Yup, agree it's noisy. So I mostly turn it off as well. But the few times I use it, it would be nice if it worked nicely. (it seems that what crashes is the lsp-ui lenses and the sideline)


so if you have only one enabled of them enabled doesn't happen?


check if changing lsp-lens-place-position changes anything

Fredrik Meyer12:04:25

Yup! Setting that variable to `above-line seemed to fix the issue 🙂 Also, I found the variable setting (setq lsp-ui-sideline-show-code-actions nil) that makes the sideline a bit less noisy 🙂


yeah, I do the same to disable it


I have only lsp-ui diagnostics enabled and all other features disabled