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Is it possible to extend logic of what imenu considers function definitions? I'd like to jump between re-frame subscription and event handlers (for example, re-frame.core/reg-sub :foobar ) via imenu as well.


This is just a guess, but perhaps you could try defining your own matchers in

👀 1

no idea how that works if you also use something like lsp-mode at the same time which also populates the imenu :man-shrugging:


> I'd like to jump between re-frame subscription and event handlers

(defun add-reframe-regs-to-imenu ()
       '("re-frame" "^(*reg-\\(event-db\\|sub\\|sub-raw\\|fx\\|event-fx\\|event-ctx\\|cofx\\)[ \n]+\\([^\t \n]+\\)" 2)

(add-hook 'clojurescript-mode #'add-reframe-regs-to-imenu)

nice 4

Nice! Thanks, @U0G75ARHC


I love being able to automate a complex series of commands in emacs as a keyboard macro and then do C-u 10 f4 to just do them again and again and again (put in whatever number you want for 10)

emacs-spin 7

I like that if you put M-0 C-x e it will repeat until it get's an error (like from isearch-forward or whatever)

😲 1

10 @ a for Evil assuming q a ,,, q was used to create the macro


It works well in combination with narrowing if you want to restrict it to part of a buffer.

❤️ 1

Narrowing for the win... best feature of Emacs ❤️


I think one of the things that gets missed when comparing editing in things like vi(m)/emacs to things like vs code is the composability of the editing and movement commands into things like macros in a convenient way. It's one of the reasons I couldn't get on with when trying eclipse / intelij / etc ...


does vim let you record macros? That start record, do it, stop record, try using it, do it again is pretty essential to me


well ... in vim, you enter / exit command mode which you could consider as record a macro and then there's a key-press which is do the last thing again


I couldn't get on with the modal editing thing, so I use vanilla emacs shortcuts (which are generally supported by things like readline - so all command line tools like mysql or pgsql, or you can use rlwrap) ... so my preference is to start recording and save it ... but sometimes I wish that I'd started recording a while ago and have to view-lossage and copy and paste it into edit-last-kbd-macro ... instead of just starting again 😉


Good link on keyboard macros ... I hadn't spotted C-x C-k l before ... that's less copy/pasta error prone 😉


and C-x C-k SPC sounds like a winner 😉


every day's a school day 😉


Yeah vim and evil both support macros


@U0525KG62 yes, in Evil normal mode, q followed by another character starts recording, e.g. q a to capture all the key presses until q is presses again in normal mode. Then @ to replay a keyboard macro, so @ a will replay the macro once, 10 @ a to replay the macro 10 times. They keyboard macro supports more than the . dot repeat feature of Evil.


I love doing macros with s-expression movements sometimes, like a case statement or sometimes just to align keys and values I also love taking things out into snippets, for example here's my basic snippet to write a defn with a Malli schema

# -*- mode: snippet -*-
# name: malli defn
# key: mdefn
# --

(defn $1
  {:malli/schema [:=>
                 [:cat $3]