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If someone is using Flycheck, might be interested in some updates around the project

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I guess if you're into Eglot you're probably not using Flycheck anymore (seems the Eglot maintainer, who's also the Flymake maintainer, wasn't interested in providing support for Flycheck), but I hope we'll find some workaround for this down the road.


i just copied the purcell config into my doom emacs config, which I believe still imports a few things from the flycheck ecosystem. vast majority of doom emacs users are on flycheck though, whether eglot or not. I can really tell project.el and projectile.el apart, and choose the latter, but i have a harder time distinguishing flycheck and flymake personally.


I noticed flycheck-eglot only yesterday and it seems it gets the job done indeed. Most similar packages are hard to distinguish if one sticks to the basic functionality doesn't need to contribute something to them.


What is the biggest advantage of flycheck? I switched to flymake some time ago, but in both cases I always used only a minimal subset of features.


Biggest advantage is quite subjective, as it's different for different people. For me the main advantage is that this is package that's easy to extend and contribute to, but I guess most people don't care about that. 🙂


Of course, I meant it subjectively in the context of CLJ and everyday work 🙂. Just curious and thanks…


I haven't used Flymake in ages, but I do use Flycheck all the time, and Flycheck works great with clj-kondo. I'm guessing it has some Flymake checker, as well though.


Flycheck has a lot of flexibility at the front-end level (how lint diagnostics get displayed), but I'm not sure how many people care about this.


Hey, I've just setup emacs according to practicalli spacemacs guide (used ). Everything else seems to be working but my which-key help window is not working. After I restart it works but when do any minibuffer operation is stops showing up, tested with - SPC SPC commands, clojure connect using major mode key chords etc. Any idea where I can start debugging. I'm new to emacs and started to migrate to emacs from vscode today


Running emacs daemon and running restarting only frames doesn't resets the issue. Restarting emacs server resets the issue


If restart emacs and just kill frame and run new frame (terminal) again. the issue doesn't come up


There was a bug with a helm package that causes intermittent issues with which-key


In summary, delete the helm-descbinds package in the Spacemacs elpa directory and restart Emacs. I fixed version of helm-descbinds package should be downloaded Update: I have helm-descbinds-20240206.802 package version installed now and it seems to be working okay


If the above doesn't fix it, then pinning an earlier version of that package should resolve the issue until the latest helm package is fixed


@U05254DQM thanks a lot! Replacing the file in GitHub seems to have fixed the issue.

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