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After hitting RET in the Magit diff to visit that file/line, how do I get back to magit-status? I'd expect xref-pop-marker-stack to work


Normally I xref-push-blah , will try, anyway I'm curious about how it's supposed to work :thinking_face:

Stig Brautaset20:02:04

You can see the available keybinds if you do C-h m and search for magit, it lists:

Magit-Blob minor mode (no indicator):
Enable some Magit features in blob-visiting buffers.

Currently this only adds the following key bindings.

Key             Binding

b		magit-blame-addition
f		magit-blame-reverse
n		magit-blob-next
p		magit-blob-previous
q		magit-kill-this-buffer
r		magit-blame-removal


q just inserts q for me, which seems natural given that when I jump from diff to file, I can perform arbitrary edits on it However I can M-x magit-kill-this-buffer which works. I'll have it as an options - thanks much!


I'd probably hit C-x b RET ... Like dired. You're just navigating to another buffer, right?


I use winner-undo for this

👍 1