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Hi! How would find out if a minor mode is active with Emacs Lisp? Specifically, I want to check if org-tree-slide-mode is active or not. For major modes, (eq 'org-mode major-mode) seems to do what I want. I’ve looked for a minor-mode-p function, but not found anything. I did find the minor-mode-alist and minor-mode-list variables, and I suppose I could use those. Still curious how others would solve this. I suppose the meta-question is which manual I should have read to figure this out from the built-in-docs.


Edit: minor-mode-list seems to contain all the minor modes, not just the active minor modes. Not what I wanted.


I know very little of emacs, but I recall (due to being a Lisp-2) that you can eval minor modes as either values or functions; the value returns whether or not the mode is active and the function will either enable or disable it

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so perhaps something like (if org-tree-slide-mode .. .. might work?

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From (very quick and dirty) testing, it looks like this works perfectly. Thank you!


When I try to evaluate

as a value, I get this in *Messages*:
eval: Symbol's value as variable is void: org-mode
Strangely, evaluating
just gives me nil.


> Most minor modes also have a mode variable, with the same name as the mode command. Its value is non-`nil` if the mode is enabled, and nil if it is disabled. ^^ what the manual says about minor modes. For major modes, it seems to mostly mention that major-mode variable, which you can use to check the current major mode.

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Here’s my final result:

(defun teod-org-slideshow-enable! ()
  (when (eq 'org-mode major-mode)
    (org-tree-slide-mode 1)
    (text-scale-adjust -2))

(defun teod-org-slideshow-disable! ()
  (when (eq 'org-mode major-mode)
    (org-tree-slide-mode 0)
    (text-scale-adjust 0)))

(defun teod-org-slideshow-toggle! ()
  ;; only if we're in org-mode ...
  (if (eq 'org-mode major-mode)
      (if org-tree-slide-mode
    (message "Error: teod-org-slideshow-toggle! can only be run in org-mode buffers.")))
It seems to do what I want — though I’m still surprised about the different behavior for org-mode and org-tree-slide-mode.


org-mode is a major mode while I guess org-tree-slide-mode is a minor mode(?)


yes, correct


Ah, ok, så it’s expected to be this way. Thanks a lot for explaining, and thanks for the pointers on minor modes! 🙏


I think you might be able to simplify your functions by using hooks; you can try something like (add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'teod-org-slideshow-enable). > Every major mode, apart from Fundamental mode, defines a mode hook, a customizable list of Lisp functions to run each time the mode is enabled in a buffer.

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that way you don't need to check which major mode is active within the function

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(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'teod-org-slideshow-enable)
Would this start teod-org-slide-show-enable! every time I open an org-mode file? I’d still prefer to be able to edit org-mode files as text (not slideshows)


ah, yes, you're correct


Maybe I could use org-tree-slide-mode-hook, though. But I’m not sure where to put my “run code when minor mode is disabled”.

lassemaatta12:01:01 suggests that the minor mode hook is run both when entering and exiting the minor mode

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oooh, nice. I’ll try a refactor. This looks cleaner, I don’t have to remember my own function names, and I can use the default key binding for org-tree-slide-mode.


New code:

(defun teod-org-tree-slide-tweaks ()
  "My own settings & tweaks for org-tree-slideshow-mode"
  (if org-tree-slide-mode
      (text-scale-adjust -2)
      (text-scale-adjust 0))))

;; depth is 10 to make it happen /after/ other things.
(add-hook 'org-tree-slide-mode-hook 'teod-org-tree-slide-tweaks 10)
Much cleaner! Thanks again for the discussion & pointers, @U0178V2SLAY!


no problem, glad I could help

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