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Not sure if anyone is able to help me here, but I am running emacs inside of wsl, and something goes wrong when I try packages like eg. project-dired: wrong type argument listp, d My emacs config is taken from: In addition I struggle with getting bin files to be at my shells path. (Fixed by putting (exec-path-from-shell-intialize) in my init file) Lastly, I have gotten copy into emacs to work, but not yet found any way to copy text out of emacs. my settings repo:


regarding the paths; I've found to work quite nicely (although it does add a bit to the startup time), particularly when using tools like nvm

☝️ 1

as far as I known (which isn't much) the exec-path variable lists all the paths emacs uses when running external processes, so you can inspect it to check if the paths are present


btw, I'm not sure if it's a good idea to include eln-cache in your repo; aren't those binary files created by native compilation?


eln-cache should be ignored yes, thanks! Ill check out exec-path


Adding (exec-path-from-shell-intialize) did the trick for the jack-in command. Now I just have the project-dired issue: wrong type argument listp, d


perhaps enabling M-x toggle-debug-on-error and looking at the stack trace might tell what's going on? Usually when I encounter something like that it's usually caused by too old/new version of some library/tool.

clojure 1