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hey folks, recently I updated many parts of my emacs config and now it seems like it’s no longer doing something I found helpful. Previously, when I would type in something like str/ it would automatically add [clojure.string :as str] to the namespace’s (:require). I don’t know what was responsible for doing that, but I’d like to get that working again. Could anyone point me in the right direction?


it looks like cljr-magic-requires is involved


ok so there’s this in clj-refactor.el:

(define-key clj-refactor-map (kbd "/") 'cljr-slash)
now I need to figure out why this isn’t… active? installed? (not sure of the terminology here)


it looks like clj-refactor-mode wasn’t being enabled automatically for some reason. adding that to a clojure mode hook fixed this. thank you all for going on this journey with me 🙏

duckie 7
👍 1