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Carsten Behring16:10:49

I was lately again experimenting in running cider in a remote dev-container This is the area where vscode and it's remote-development extensions are shining. But with a bit of shell script magic and correct port forwarding settings in devcontainer.json we can get a locally running Emacs connecting to an nrepl running in a remote docker container . If somebody is interested in such thing, I could share the setup.

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Danny Almeida01:10:44

Hi .. I am interested in your setup. I done remote development by running emacs as TUI on the remote machine, but not using remote REPL in a container

Carsten Behring22:10:24

I started to describe that in the Cider documentation. Not sure in which form it will be added to Cider docu, but the PR is here: Here is a template project with adequate devcontainer.json file, which install clojure and exposes port 12345 (on which nrepl will be started following the script:

Danny Almeida22:10:36

Thank you so much. I'll have a go at the setup and let you know how it goes. Cheers 😊