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Same @kevin842, except with Emacs 28.1. use-package is awesome! I've been tinkering with it on slow burn and Remarks / critique welcome!

👍 2

It missed the cutoff for 29.1 just but vc-use-package is also coming in 29.2 maybe or 30.1 so you can pull packages from anywhere 🙂 package Emacs commit if anyone wants to build it

👍 10
John Doe18:08:02

Does anyone know how to fix the cider-pprint-eval-last-sexp-to-comment off by one issue in evil normal mode? For example (my-fun "ABC" "DEF"|)|, if my cursor on ) , I'd expect it to eval my-fun instead of "DEF" . Now I have to manually move cursor to (my-fun "ABC" "DEF")| | for it to work. I checked spacemacs, and it seems to bind cider-pprint-eval-last-sexp-to-comment to ep: straight away, am I the only one having this issue :thinking_face:

John Doe18:08:50

Worked around this by a hack found on github by hacking before the call.

(when (eq evil-state 'normal)
    (forward-char 1))

John Doe19:08:48

Another way of doing it: (advice-add 'cider-pprint-eval-last-sexp-to-comment :around 'evil-collection-cider-last-sexp)


There is a defun version bound to , e ; in Spacemacs which is the more common approach and doesn't need a hack for evil as the cursor can be anywhere in the expression


last-sexp commands can also be used by moving the cursor to the next line, as they will evaluate an expression on the previous line(s) if there is not an expression on the current one


The same goes for the core evaluation expressions, , e e will evaluate the expression before the cursor , e f evaluates the top-level expression the cursor is within. There are many evaluation commands available in Spacemacs / CIDER to support a range of development workflow which do not require additional configuration