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with emacs 29 here, I spent a few hours remaking my config from scratch (written for 24) and it seems like the out of the box experience has been much improved. use-package everywhere, dropped helm, replaced org-babel with outshine, = 2000->400 loc

🎉 12

TIL about outshine, thanks!


it is pretty slick

Stig Brautaset12:08:20

Now having to search outshine…

Stig Brautaset12:08:20

I don’t see how outshine can replace org-babel, based on the description At least not my use of the latter, which is mostly for executing code blocks from diverse languages embedded in Org documents.

Stig Brautaset12:08:47

Oh, I see, it can negate the need to tangle in some cases. That is pretty neat.

👀 2

possibly even more simplicity gains if I can replace mu4e for gnus... that's a tough one though