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Quick question to the meow users: any of you willing to share their configs? As an evil user due to fear of eMacs pinky leading to rsi I’m really interested but can’t quite wrap my head arround actual usage without seeing some code 😅

respatialized17:06:23 Corgi Emacs is a nice and simple Clojure-oriented setup built around evil-mode. It's the starting point for my own config; I particularly like the way it handles keybindings.


I actually took a lot of babashka repl code from corgi, it’s really awesome


oh, I also totally missed the "meow" part of your original comment, whoops 🙃


All emacs suggestions are good, right 😎

Evan Bernard17:06:57

if that’s the case… i know i remapped caps-lock to left-control a few years ago and never looked back!


IIRC Doom Emacs has a meow module that you could use as inspiration


Oh, thx @U1UQEM078 , didn’t know that


I'm waiting for lispy to go all treesitter and get all of that in all languages


IIUC, there's combobulate, @U0525KG62


I think that is the one I'm waiting for. Bring paredit to all the languages. I don't think anyone has done a lisp/clojure mode for it yet. afaiu


How do I fix buttercup describe indentation? Or anything in Elisp really, put-clojure-indent style? I probably had it working at some point 😞


silly me, I hadn't buttercup installed


I'm getting Unlocking file: File name too long, /home/pavlos/.local/share/emacs/undo-tree/.!home!pavlos!Workspace!zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!zzzzzzzz!zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!zzzz!zzzzzzz!zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.clj.~undo-tree~, ignored whenever I edit+save specific buffers that are deep in the file hierarchy... Any ideas how to solve that? Google doesn't help and I can't find any relevant variables under undo-tree to override the max length :thinking_face: Happy to be pointed to a resource to study further, thanks! update: Oh, it seems it's an Ubuntu limit, apparently file names can't be more than 140something characters long... picard-facepalm Still, if you have any pointers for solving this from within emacs I'd love to hear them 🙂


grepping for defcustoms in undo-tree.el I found undo-tree-auto-save-history that should be it?

😎 2

Yup, that works... I think I read somewhere that you shouldn't disable that variable but I can't find it now; I probably misremembered :thinking_face: Thanks!

🍻 2

I see that that defcustom's default value changed from nil to t at some point. But if it's a defcustom, it's totally meant to be changed (with the caveat reflected at its docstring)

👍 2
thanks3 2