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hi, I have been using vanilla emacs and am thinking to try doom emacs. I heard that it uses more of vim binding rather than emacs's. If it is correct, then for example, the C-c C-c will be different (like no holding control key) in cider mode?

doom-emacs 2

I dont use doom, but I am fairly sure you can choose to use standard Emacs keybinds if you want. I imagine they haven't changed the default keybindings for that though, and I believe they use a leader key to access things to make it easier in evil

👍 2

Doom Emacs and Spacemacs both provide a Vim-style editing approach (multi-modal editing with the Evil package) as well as the classing chord-keys of Emacs C-c C-x, although I think a significant number of users opt for the Vim-style editing (as it is much faster once learned) Spacemacs and Doom prefer sequential key bindings, e.g SPC f f to find a file to open. Many of the chord-keys C-c C-c style are still there if they are defined in the underlying Emacs package, My typing has become much more effective with the Vim-style and sequential keys and find them much easier to remember, especially with Spacemacs. I have a which is largely applicable to Spacemacs and Doom Emacs.

💯 4
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