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Drew Verlee05:03:20

so if you like code folds as much as i do, you will want to try turning on reveal mode, so that if you jump into a fold (say using lsp) it auto unfolds and doesn't drop you at the top of the function.

📝 4
upvote 2

thx for pointing out reveal-mode. I've got that going with hs-minor-mode now and like it


nice. I've been wanting something like this

Drew Verlee05:03:06

I also kinda want a flashlight mode that progressively hides expressions as they travel farther from the cursor. so "focus mode" kinda does this on a per function basis.

upvote 2

UPDATE: Solved. Weirdly, setq doesn't work, and set-custom-variable does. Hello. How to force loading everything in the right order? With this configuration, immediately after starting emacs, the function dired-jump is from the dired.el file. Then, when I open dired, it's from dired+.el. I know this by doing C-h f. There are hooks or autoloads in the code, but I just want everything to be loaded at startup.

(use-package dired+
  :straight t
  :demand t
  :after (dired dired-x)     ; otherwise dired-omit-files isn't set somehow
  (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'dired-omit-mode)
  (setq dired-omit-files (rx (or
                              (seq bol "." eol)
                              (seq bol "." (not (any "."))) )))