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I'm trying to write a util function to more easily tap> function arguments in clojure for use with Does anybody have any good ways of getting a current clojure function's argument names? Generally when I use tap> I pass a map of keys/values like so: (tap> {:arg1 arg1 :arg2 arg2 ... }). It works well, but it's tedious to set up and obviously a little cumbersome when tapping a lot of values

Cora (she/her)23:01:04

it removes some of the tediousness of getting all the function args when you can just pass them as-is and it automatically makes them a map of variable name to value

Cora (she/her)23:01:37

so, with that as inspiration, you could do something like (my-custom-tap arg1 arg2 arg3) and have it send to the tap (tap> {:arg1 arg1 :arg2 arg2 :arg3 arg3}) ?


(defcustom sw1nn/portal-tap-viewers '(":portal.viewer/pprint"
  "List of viewers to be prompted when `C-u M-x sw1nn/cider-tap-last-sexp`")

(defun sw1nn/cider-tap-last-sexp (&optional default-viewer)
    "Evaluate and tap the expression preceding point.
	If invoked with default-viewer, add this as metadata. If
	invoked with a single prefix argument prompt for the
	viewer using the values defined in
    (interactive (list (when (consp current-prefix-arg)
			 (completing-read "Default Viewer: " sw1nn/portal-tap-viewers))))
     (if default-viewer
	 (concat "(tap> (vary-meta "
		 (apply #'buffer-substring-no-properties (cider-last-sexp 'bounds))
		 " merge {:portal.viewer/default " default-viewer "}))")
       (concat "(tap> " (apply #'buffer-substring-no-properties (cider-last-sexp 'bounds)) ")"))))


Oooh thanks, y'all! I think what I end up with will be somewhat of a combination of the two

🎉 4