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Young-il Choo03:11:04

No problems. Did you check what cmd+s is bound to?


Yesterday I rebuilt emacs from the HEAD of and I've noticed an ugly (default?) font appearing in various places in the UI e.g. within org-capture as shown below. Does anyone know which font is being displayed here, and how I can customise it? Presently, I configure which font is used in my Emacs config via this one line in my config: (push '(font . "FuraMono Nerd Font-12") default-frame-alist) and this used to work fine IIRC. It's possible that I just didn't notice the crusty font before though tbh. Now I have noticed it, I can't unsee it 😆


• check the frame parameter, make sure it's being set: (frame-parameter nil 'font) • use describe-char to figure out what font you're looking at the point • make sure the font itself is installed


also, I'm not sure, but this could be relevant. Sometime ago they've changed the way how font in modeline is rendered: see,


Thanks for sharing your ideas @U0G75ARHC I've managed to mitigate the issue by adding the following to my init.el

(set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :font "FuraMono Nerd Font-12") ;; this face was used in the header-line of org-capture
(set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch-serif nil :font "FuraMono Nerd Font-12") ;; this face is used in info docs, which was another place the crusty font was appearing for me