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A long shot but maybe someone here has an idea. This seems to be a particular problem with babashka nREPL+cider+evil-mode. When evaluating a form and it throws an error it'll pop up the *cider-error* buffer as usual, but somehow it's not properly initialized. There's no syntax highlighting, no line numbers (I have global display-line-numbers-mode on), and not all key bindings are present. The most annoying one is that pressing q will do evil's macro record, instead of quit-window. However doing pretty much anything (moving the cursor, switching to another buffer, doing M-x, ...) will trigger the initialization. Suddenly syntax highlighting kicks in, line numbers are there, key bindings are installed... and this makes it really hard to debug, no matter what I try to inspect the state of the buffer undoes the problem I'm trying to diagnose... does this ring a bell to anyone?

👀 1

maybe you can try toggle-debug-on-quit , and try to press C-g right before syntax highlight and other things kick in, it should print a stacktrace where emacs stopped when you pressed C-g


If you find anything else on this, please post. I’m experiencing something similar with cider-inspect and babashka