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I've got a multiple machine setup but have never had issues going with latest. In fact, I've had more issues by not always being on latest. Like others have said, most package maintainer test their own package alongside the latest of everything else. I think the risk in saying: Everyone is on the exact same set of deps Is that not everyone is running that on the same computer/os/emacs combination. This is what has gave me the most trouble, different OS, different Emacs build, they can introduce edge cases. And often those edge cases are first fixed in the latest versions.


The benefit with having a pinned set of versions as we do with Corgi is that if that happens we can help troubleshoot it, because we know what version people are running, and once it's fixed we can upgrade everyone, so everyone gets a more stable experience.


Hum. Interesting. But in my experience my issues are not reproducible on other environments. That's what I meant. Like my windows machine will be the only one broken I need to fix for example. Or only my Linux box running an old RHEL5 will have to be.

Benjamin C23:04:52

Anyone aware of a command to define a missing definition or function from the call-site signature? In other words, if I am writing something like this: (with "|" as the cursor position)

(ns com.example.todo
  (:require [ :as new-idea]))

(defn whatever []
  (new-idea/generate :arg 23 "bar")|) 
I'd like to be able to call a command that produces this either finding or creating the appropriate namespace/file:
(defn generate [arg arg2 arg3]
Or getting a bit more fancy:
(ns com.example.todo
  (:require [ :as new-idea]))

(defn whatever []
  (new-idea/generate :arg {:seed 23
                           :prefix "bar"})|) 
and get:
(defn generate [arg {:keys [seed prefix]}]


There is a similar function on clojure-lsp, a code action that creates both ns + function or function if ns exists

Benjamin C00:04:40

Ah splendid. Thank you!