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Staging in magit is very flexible. I often TAB opent files and hunks then use v to select specific lines in a hunk

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I dont know why I never thought to highlight chunks with v! My workflow is heavily dependent on staging chunks, this will be a lifesaver

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I know Emacs contains many functions that I have never used nor heard of before, but this one made me laugh out loud and explain what I was laughing about to my wife. I was trying to type M-x flu TAB to auto-complete M-x flush-lines, but accidentally left out the 'f' and got M-x lu TAB completing to M-x lunar-tables. Emacs happily created a new buffer with the text of the comment in my reply to this message.

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Saturday, December 4, 2021: New Moon 2:45am (EST)
Friday, December 10, 2021: First Quarter Moon 8:38pm (EST)
Saturday, December 18, 2021: Full Moon 11:35pm (EST)
Sunday, December 26, 2021: Last Quarter Moon 9:30pm (EST)
Sunday, January 2, 2022: New Moon 1:36pm (EST)
Sunday, January 9, 2022: First Quarter Moon 1:13pm (EST)
Monday, January 17, 2022: Full Moon 6:48pm (EST)
Tuesday, January 25, 2022: Last Quarter Moon 8:47am (EST)
Tuesday, February 1, 2022: New Moon 12:49am (EST)
Tuesday, February 8, 2022: First Quarter Moon 8:52am (EST)
Wednesday, February 16, 2022: Full Moon 11:56am (EST)
Wednesday, February 23, 2022: Last Quarter Moon 5:39pm (EST)


And this amuses me, but does not surprise me.

🙂 4

that is hilarious. great find


i want to open a feature request against vs code


The best part is that Emacs calculates these with mathematical simulations of the movements of the sun and the moon. Take a look at solar.el, for instance by looking up the solar-ecliptic-coordinates function. ❤️

👀 7

Just spent a little too long reading solar.el and lunar.el in awe. I have to say I really love emacs. 6+ years of daily use and it just keeps giving.


i’m kinda chuckling at the things that make it into core. “Please add add smooth scrolling on osx” “NO”. “please simulate the movements of the sun and the moon” “YES”

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They have their priorities 🙂


btw solar.el is nicely used by circadian.el that allows you to set a color-theme based on time of the day or sunset/sunrise. I use dark theme at night and light theme during the day. But you can use multiple themes in between. It's almost funny (if it wasn't a bit sad) I know when it's time for dinner when Emacs changes its colors.


that’s awesome


For a while I've been thinking of making it possible to calculate "intermediate" themes, in similar way like clojure.core/reductions work. Then maybe it would be possible to make the transitions super smooth. If you ever used f.lux you'd know what I'm talking about.


Or maybe even more prosaic use case - you like two different color themes, but still want to try some different shades of colors, that neither too light like the first theme, but also not too drastically dark as the second one. Wouldn't be nice if it was possible to calculate and lay out all possible color shade combinations? I mean, Emacs has everything what's needed for that, see color.el. It looks like nobody ever tried making something like that, that's all.


> Or maybe even more prosaic use case - you like two different color themes Gives a new meaning to the term "solarised" themes.

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