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Is there a command to sort all the keys in maps? (In the source file, not with a sorted-map.) Similarly, I'd like to sort all functions arguments.


If there is no such command, wrap the hash-map with sorted-map and use cider-eval-last-sexp-and-replace


There's pretty cool, yet a tiny bit complicated way of doing this using babashka: So you're gonna need to run shell-command-on-region with a prefix C-u M-| shell-command-on-region sends marked region to an external command, when called with a prefix, it replaces the selected text in the buffer with the result of the command. So you do exactly this: C-u M-| bb '(into (sorted-map) *input*)' RET and it does it. Now, if you do this fairly often, next time you can call C-u M-|, you can press C-r and find your babashka call.


There's pretty cool, yet a tiny bit complicated way of doing this using babashka: So you're gonna need to run shell-command-on-region with a prefix C-u M-| shell-command-on-region sends marked region to an external command, when called with a prefix, it replaces the selected text in the buffer with the result of the command. So you do exactly this: C-u M-| bb '(into (sorted-map) *input*)' RET and it does it. Now, if you do this fairly often, next time you can call C-u M-|, you can press C-r and find your babashka call.