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@peb.brzezinski have you looked at Spacemacs? All you need to do is add the word typescript to your config or open a typescript file and it loads all the packages for you, along with any configuration ypuay need


If you try Spacemacs, checkout the develop branch, it's quite stable and has the most features.

Piotr Brzeziński07:02:18

That’s nice. Thanks a lot, I’ll try spacemacs out 🙂

Piotr Brzeziński11:02:54

I installed spacemacs and got things to work, one question though - how do I set the indentation size in files?


@peb.brzezinski i am not a spacemacs user, but may be this will help? -- i think it may depend on the major mode you are trying to change the indentation for.

Piotr Brzeziński12:02:28

Thanks! I already managed to figure it out. I was able to set default indent size to 2 spaces, but I have like 978 other issues that I’ll have to figure out. Like auto formatting .js .ts .tsx files on save for example.

Piotr Brzeziński12:02:33

But I’ll manage (hopefuly)

👍 4

if you haven't already seen @jr0cket's material, may be you'll find this helpful:

Piotr Brzeziński21:02:39

Ok, let me give it a look 😄

Piotr Brzeziński21:02:49

I tried integrating clojure in vscode, but it was a pain 😕

practicalli-johnny09:02:33 is an excellent extension for Clojure on VSCode

Piotr Brzeziński22:02:17

A we so me. Doom turned out to be my saviour. Everything works fine and I can 100% move to emacs.

🎉 8
🙂 4

(the doom emacs maintainer is great -- it was worth joining the doom emacs discord server for the support. thanks to Nate Sutton for the original suggestion :thumbsup: )

👍 4