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I want to copy expression when my cursor at the start of it, same as that for function when my cursor is at the start, any ideas?


To be more clear about question, e.g Ctrk-k , kills expression, instead of killing i want to copy it

Felipe Oliveira05:05:51

I believe the Emacs way is to mark to the end of line and copy with C-SPC C-e M-w or to mark the sexp and copy with C-@ M-w. That said, Smartparens has a function called sp-copy-sexp (by default bound to C-M-w) that does what you want. In Spacemacs it is bound to SPC k y in Evil (actually it is evil-lisp-state-sp-copy-sexp) and M-m k y in Holy.


e.g if i have function like


(defn some-func [] (-> (call-func) (:body) (json/read-str)))


and want to copy from threading macro what i need to do is , Ctl-Space, then end of read-str paren and M-w to copy


But what i would like to copy threading macro expression itself without going end of expression

Felipe Oliveira06:05:53

Hmm, do you know a package called expand region?


looking into it

Felipe Oliveira06:05:39

I believe that is what most people would use to do what you want. Inside an expression, it allows you to expand selection by container. I can't live without it. 🙂


Thank you !! 🙂

Felipe Oliveira06:05:51

In Spacemacs it is in SPC v, so you can keep pressing v to expand until you reach the scope you want and then finally copy it.


its awesome, i don’t know why i didnt know lol

Felipe Oliveira06:05:59

Yeah, there is always another package that we should be using.

Felipe Oliveira05:05:51

I believe the Emacs way is to mark to the end of line and copy with C-SPC C-e M-w or to mark the sexp and copy with C-@ M-w. That said, Smartparens has a function called sp-copy-sexp (by default bound to C-M-w) that does what you want. In Spacemacs it is bound to SPC k y in Evil (actually it is evil-lisp-state-sp-copy-sexp) and M-m k y in Holy.


Perhaps someone else has a use for this: I wrote an elisp function that converts the contents of cljx files to use reader conditionals: Tried it on timbre Feedback welcome.


Is there a better formatted stack trace in emacs. I'm getting long lines spanning far outside the window and it's hard to keep track if it's debugging a long var value. Some form of bette rnavigation buffer or pretty print