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Is there a CIDER option to keep the REPL ns synced with the current clojure buffer ns?


I don't think there is anything for that. I think you will have to write a function that changes the repl ns calling the command in a hook that gets executed when the selected buffer changes.


I've been planning on creating a custom keyboard for a while, that suits my Emacs habits. Perhaps it'll appeal to your tastes too! If you're interested, hit Watch -> Releases only, that'll be my "newsletter"


Interesting. I wonder if mixing staggering+octolinear style rows is comfortable in practice


Good observation! It's a risk, OTOH I don't mind a few frowned-upon choices (qwerty, staggered, chiclet) so it wouldn't surprise me if I could work with this hybrid as well


You should check the Atreus btw. I am a heavy emacs user and it's a match made in heaven. Its layout was tailor made for it (and portability) and generally I think the designer made some smart choices.


I've looked into it, much respect to Technomancy. My approach is dramatically different though (not unlike my .emacs.d which also is a bit heretic)


Nice stuff! Good to know about the QMK firmware as well


I’ve a few tweaks to make yet but overall I like the mod taps a lot