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I've noticed evil-mode macros tend to be slow when doing them in conjunction with a number. so 11@q will do a macro seemingly slower.


I also get that error when trying this in a terminal repl as well... but can't figure out how to open a Cider nrepl without it trying to load the project.clj (i.e., open in the default user namespace)....I've tried looking all this up, and am at a bit of a loss on how to get the nrepl working, along with running test, and development within emacs and cider 😕 In order to not clutter up the channel, if you can provide assistance, please start a thread here or DM me ... thank you!


@ryan.russell011 are you using the brave and true emacs setup?


that has directions to use cider-nrepl 0.8.2 which is ancient. Remove that dependency from the profiles.clj they tell you to use


cider injects its own dependencies now


to hack around not having a default repl... I opened an empty .clj file.. and jacked into that with cider... then I am using load-file to test things in it for the exercises


I will do that..


i don't understand what you mean default repl


oh.. just a repl in the user namespace.. that isn't loading a project.clj file


so I'm starting to question using emacs... I've used a ton of other things, and just thought I'd give this a go since the opinion for Clojure development with it seems to be quite high.... Are you a long time emacs user? Is hanging with it for the long term worth the initial time to figure it all out? (just curious)


> so I'm starting to question using emacs Ha!... I have had this feeling for as long as I can remember (since I started using Emacs). And every single time I attempt to look for alternatives.... I don't like what I see. There are small bits and pieces that I like in InteliJ, VSCode, Sublime and Atom, but overall - they all miss something. Alas, I am doomed to never to be absolutely happy with my main instrument, yet still to be able to get my job done.


Stick around... I'd guarantee - even 20 years from now, you'll be questioning yourself "why am I still using Emacs?".


I concur... With most projects, VSCode has done me good... IntelliJ for Java things (and Eclipse for the tiny amount I've been in JavaEE), Vim for those simple things (although my Vim config is pretty extensive and I could use it in place of VSCode when VSCode isn't available)... but with Clojure I feel as though they are all missing something... So I figured I'd go the Emacs route... I started with Spacemacs and within about an hour I felt it was trying to do too many things for me and I was frustrated... so I went with vanilla Emacs... and yeah... its been an interesting 2 days trying to figure things out lol.


I should probably just stop trying to have an instant Clojure environment.. go back and remind myself how to set up Emacs properly (I had a pretty decent config for it about 2 years ago)... and then slowly add back in the Clojure dev stuff.. and configure it properly... I think using the Brave and True setup is screwing me at the moment (as was mentioned a few comments ago)


Probably no custom configuration would be completely satisfactory. Prelude, ergo-emacs, doom, Spacemacs. The last one offers decent defaults but yes, it also adds a lot of stuff. So... be patient. It's not going to be perfect (until you make it perfect for yourself). Don't use any keybinding blindly - always check describe-key and read the docstring of the function it binds to.


Especially, since you are a Vimmer - I'd strongly suggest trying out Spacemacs. I have learned way more stuff in a few months using Spacemacs than through all my previous attempts to build my own configs


I didn't care for how it tried to do things for me... and the keybindings for it have apparently changed ... every tutorial I've seen is old enough that the keybindings don't line up 😕


oh sorry i missed the updates. yes i'm a long time user of emacs and sometime contributor to CIDER. I think it is incredibly worth it and I hope it ets easier for you


brave and true is an excellent intro to clojure but it is an extremely outdated intro into CIDER. current versions are 0.17 and 0.18-SNAPSHOT. It has a repo with 0.8.2 with compiled artifacts. It is a very very bad setup


ah yeah.. that is quite outdated. I'll take the blame, I should've checked versions of things before blindly installing lol. I'll keep at it. I actually just blasted the brave and true emacs configurations... starting from scratch... So quick question, would you recommend rolling my own configs for the most part? or using the built in customize and package-install options that Emacs provides? I assume there are pros and cons to each?


not your fault. you're trying to follow a guide to learn 🙂


honestly i really like prelude emacs


simpe. well thought out and easy

dpsutton21:07:31 same maintainer as CIDER and gets out of your way


i don't fret or spend time on emacs. i just use it


I'll check that out! Thanks!