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so I was trying to implement the complementary send-buffer, send-region, etc for emacs-lisp-mode using ielm, and I noticed I need to wrap the text in a (progn ...) form. Is there a better way to do this?

(with-current-buffer "*ielm*"
      (insert "(progn ")
      (insert text)
      (insert " )")


how should I use cider's run test with selector functionality? I've read it's doc at, and it looks like C-c C-t C-s is the function I need, which ask me for selector to include and selector to exclude. But i'm not exactly sure what to put for those. Say I have a (deftest ^:integration ....) and my project.clj has

{:test-selectors {:default (complement :integration)
                   :integration :integration}}
I want to exclude test marked with ^:integration, so do I leave include prompt empty and put ^:integration in the exclude prompt? I tried that, and also :integration, and integration, non would exclude the tests for me 😞