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I had been leveraging cider-cljs-lein-repl to trigger multiple figwheel builds, since it involved specifying the code to run. The switch to cider-default-cljs-repl seems like a good choice, but is anyone aware of a good alternate strategy to trigger multiple figwheel builds? cider-default-cljs-repl has a custom option, but there's not a way to specify in advance the code to run; it always uses read-from-minibuffer to ask the user. A strategy using CIDER or Figwheel or something else entirely would be awesome.


@eggsyntax There is also a command to register new repl types to solve your problem.


I’m not very familiar with figwheel and its concept of builds, so I can’t provide concrete ideas what can be done to improve your problem with figwheel.


Aha! I saw that, but it didn't occur to me that it could be applied to my problem.


I think that'll totally work; I'll go back & take a look at it 🙂


cider-register-cljs-repl-type is meant to be used in config files to extend the default list of repl types permanently.


Is it possible to specify it on a per-project basis, eg in dir-locals.el? I'm guessing so, but I've never tried to use dir-locals.el for anything but setting variables. (if you don't know offhand, don't worry about it; I'll go figure it out)


Yeah, it’s possible. You can also just override the list of know repls on a per project basis. Whatever works best for you.


Oh, good point. Cool, thanks @bozhidar!


Hey, I'm a Vimmer, but have a question about how emacs works. I know emacs has buffers that are "subsets" or "focused parts" of other buffers. What is this called?


Based on that description you might be referring to narrowing.

👍 4

Or you might be referring to multiple windows


Interesting. I think narrowing is it.


Yeah, the narrow-to-defun thing is exactly the sort of thing I've seen. Can you have two different panes or windows (ugh, terminology) narrowed to different functions?


(from the same file)?