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ah brilliant didn't know about the ,
trick @dpsutton
Am I the only one occasionally capturing a value in the REPL? Did someone make emacs helpers for this? (I am aware of btw, not really what I am after) In other words, how do I go from:
(defn test-fn [a b]
(let [c [a b]]
;; <- cursor there
[(+ a b) c]))
(defn test-fn [a b]
(let [c [a b]]
(def a a)
(def b b)
(def c c)
[(+ a b) c]))
Using a bit of elisp?
I could type for instance “my-emacs-def-insert-cmd”
and have this generated? That would be a welcome addition to my particular workflow.
Anyone doing this?@nha I think @dpsutton has something like that and I probably have the same. Not at the keyboard now, will check and write later.
(defun cider-debug-create-local-let (start end)
"During debugging, grab the locally bound vars and create a let
binding. Place this let binding in the kill ring for future use."
(interactive "r")
(if cider--debug-mode-response
(nrepl-dbind-response cider--debug-mode-response (locals)
(let* ((code (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))
(bindings (apply #'append locals))
(formatted-bindings (mapconcat 'identity bindings " ")))
(kill-new (format "(let [%s]\n %s)" formatted-bindings code))
(message "copied let form to kill ring")))
(message "No debugging information found.")))
while in the debugger, get to a stack frame that includes the vars you want to capture. then invoke this function. it grabs the local state from the debugger and formats them into a let bindingwith a region, it will capture that region as the body of the let and the locals in your debugger state as the let bindings above it
Oh I see. Interesting, I don’t use the debugger though (I probably should, although I am quite sure some of our params are too big for it)
I suspect what I am after is simpler (ie. does not require any of cider’s functionality) - but my elisp is still fairly weak