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> Buttercup is on the brink of being replaced by an internal emacs test framework. There should be a PR in buttercup which has more detail


Yeah, I think buttercup is not going anywhere for now, and unlike something that’s shipped with Emacs, it’s much easier to fix and extend buttercup.


Frankly I’d rather push buttercup forward than deal with ert and whatever extensions it might have.


Btw, assess doesn’t seem to have much activity in terms of development either - something like 1 commit for the past year. -)


I have a question about emacs (well actually org mode) that has nothing to do with Clojure, should I ask those sorts of questions here or some thing avenue?


@gganley - I'd say go for it. We discuss non-Clojure-related stuff in #spacemacs fairly often, for example.


Ok, though for the record I am fine being told to keep it Clojure-specific. I am trying to find a way to marry org-mode and OmniFocus. One possible bridge is that OmniFocus natively accepts TaskPaper as input. I was curious if there is a way to export a org-mode file to TaskPaper.