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In the Clojure side of things, which static linter do you prefer? Do you have them all enabled or just one?
@decoursin while not emacsy, I use: lein-cljfmt, lein-how-to-ns, lein-bikeshed
> Do you use those integrated within Emacs nonetheless? (edited) I wrote some code to auto-watch my files and apply the fixes in a fine-grained manner, reusing my main JVM
> Why do you prefer lein-bikeshed over kibit, eastwood, or clojure.typed? l-b is the one the I use least actually out of my 'stack'. but I use it b/c clojurescript compat
Since they can only run when the source code compiles, they can't actually detect compile errors. (Detecting compile errors can also be done with just a normal stacktrace, but it would be nice to get a red squiggle underneath the errors to quickly find the problem, rather than searching the stacktrace.) Sure they provide some nice static analysis hints and tips, but hardly much that needs to run after every change/save.