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Did clojure-mode indentation become a lot slower lately? I regularly re-indent the whole buffer out of habit, and now it takes several seconds even in a file of only ~100 lines.


works fast as usual for me


try to profile it


@magnars M-x profiler-start reindent your code M-x profiler-report M-x profiler-stop


@magnars Pretty much no changes to indentation have been done in a long while.


Then it must have happened when I upgraded to the latest Emacs version. I've been lagging behind for a while. It's just really slow. If everyone else can reindent a largish ns in subsecond times, I guess I'll have to start bisecting my settings then.


I think I know what’s causing the problem, but someone is going to have to fix it.


@munen thanks for the kind words!


@ajs inf-clojure adds 0 Cider features. It has more features than inferior-lisp, that’s for sure, but they are all implemented in precisely the same manner. Not sure what exactly seems excessive to you. Most of the extra functionality like eldoc, completion and font-locking is completely optional (and quite useful). Not to mention the socket REPL support.


Thanks for the clarification. I've been using it and definitely have found it a lot more useful for my purposes, and enjoyable, then cider was, and that's a great contribution to the community. Thanks!


It certainly won’t grow to anything complex, because it was designed to be simple, but still a bit more powerful and useful then inferior-lisp, that wasn’t even Clojure-specific.


@richiardiandrea unrepl is an effort to improve upon nREPL, not cider.


I keep believing that nREPL’s only real problem is that it’s not being developed actively anymore - don’t see anything fundamentally wrong with it. It just needs more work to become even more useful (and mostly - more cljs friendly). Unfortunately due to the bullshit that clojure-contrib carries with it, no one wants to work on the project.


(contributor agreement, JIRA, etc)


well it is not mine but more like a common effort started by Christophe Grand and of course many other people started to jump in (like me)


It is basically trying to define a better, more repl-y protocol


for example you will be able to upgrade from a repl type to another (clj vs cljs) just by sending a command


Yeah, I know what it is. I’m just clarifying that this is a (potential) replacement for nREPL.


Then it must have happened when I upgraded to the latest Emacs version. I've been lagging behind for a while. It's just really slow. If everyone else can reindent a largish ns in subsecond times, I guess I'll have to start bisecting my settings then.