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~$1200/year - that’s pretty disappointing indeed. Seems there’s no way to sustain the development of the tooling in a focused manner.


@bozhidar : it's ridicilous how much more instagram/snapchat is valued than cider


+1 not a big deal, but I hope there will be others.


I just donated 100 euro to CIDER and $100 to Magit.


time has shown again and again that donation campains are difficult and short lived. most teams who managed to get funding around open source work did it by finding ways to package their work into a sort of product/service and convincing companies that it is worth paying/subscribing to that.


I would reckon that some companies would pay just for access to support and the ability to help prioritize features and bug fixes.


probably big companies are not using Emacs at all to be fair


or have a small percentage of dev doing it (in my case, I am the only one)


@donaldball I hope, but the problem is that you have to convince them that it is important and urgent to support the project AND clojure community seems to be rather small, so how many companies can you find, and at what price point? arne (lambdaisland) recently blogged about his experience in a similar quest. Unrelated to Arne's case, Colin Fleming seems to manage to get by with Cursive, but he had put the message out early that he's putting his neck on the line and if this Cursive thing can't provide his full-time employment, there will be no Cursive any more... on the other hand, emacs is used in many more programming communities, and there is also prelude. maybe prelude could be popularized more elsewhere and used as a driving vehicle for the team to get attention, and cider clones developed for python, ruby, javascsript etc. another option is to hope for clojure to explode in popularity, and get the pool from that, but that is unlikely, at least in short/mid term...


for example, in the python/R datas science world, Anaconda seems to be the thing. It seems that they provide a BSD-licensed ready-made distribution of software that is otherwise notoriously hard to install and configure properly. It seems that they're doing OK. Maybe there is nothing new in business needs to be invented for CIDER, but the team definitely needs to put this on a couple levels up and try to copy some other success stories if they hope to make a sustainable living out of their amazing work on Cider.


unfortunately it is not just cider, the whole tooling story (apart from Cursive) has very low funding because of the size of the community as you just said.


I don't see an easy wait of it, the only thing is to push adoption


but it is a chicken-egg problem at this point


(> 💰 👅 )