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is there a magic trick to display with mode/package sets the background color by any chance?


Short Question: Every time I insert evil-insert-mode (say, when I press "i" or "a"), I want (lispy-mode) to run. Long Question: Sometimes, I get kicke out of lispymode. I think it's due to ()'s not being balanced. This means, I have to press "i", M-x (lispy-mode). Now, my question is -- is there some way to setup a hook so taht any time I go from evil-normal-mode to evilinsert-mode, it always runs (lispy-mode) ?


okay, fized the above


new question: =============== I'm familiar with writing *.el -- have a 1K loc init.el however, I'm not familiar with patching existing libraries -- I need to fix an issue with outshine. How do I apply the following patch?


apparently that was merged into outshine already; unfortunately, it did not solve my problem


@qqq I'm no expert in that, so take my answer with a grain of salt. Hitting i in evil-mode doesn't trigger a new mode, it just executes the function evil-insert. Found that via C-h c i RET. This function doesn't have a hook (at least not findable via C-h a evil insert RET. So, my best guess is that you'd have to use defadvice. Something like this should work. Note that I'm not checking whether lispy-mode is already running, I'll leave that up to you.

(add-function :after (symbol-function 'evil-insert) #'(lambda (x y z)


@piotr2b I'm writing CLJS and CLJ regularly. CLJ is well supported by Cider and Clojure-Refactor. In CLJS both modes have less functionality, but both provide proper errors when they don't support the same feature in CLJS.


@munen yeah that’s what I was afraid about: less features for cljs 😕


@piotr2b Still, some things are working that make life easier. Code Eval (Cider), Cleanup of NS (Clojure Refactor).


is it useable though?


I'd say yes. Jumping to definitions, code eval and cleanup of ns are things I'm definitively doing on a regular basis. Some things need a work around. For example you cannot extract a function. But you can extract a def. Of course that's not the same, but adding parameters and a docstring is still less typing than doing it completely yourself.


suppose I have a file "" and there are 10 diferent code blocks in that tangle to /src/cljs/main.cljs now, I get an error saying: something bad happened on line 273 of main.cljs is there a way go inverse, to go from "line 273 of main.cljs" to "which of the 10 blocks of it came from" ? if not, is easy file only supposed to have a single code block?