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This is not specific to Clojure, but those of you who want to try org-mode for the first time may find this useful:
@beppu, good job on the spacemacs post
I didn't know about SPC j I
, that's very useful
I discovered that one evening while talking to @qqq about imenu. There are so many little gems hidden in Spacemacs.
beppu: this is why you should answer as many of my questions as possible -- you learn new, unexpected, and awesome features 🙂
I'm still on evil lisp state. I haven't tried the others. Didn't even know about them, tbh.
I use SPC r m
a fair bit to go back to a place I just left
g i
is useful
we should share our findings here 🙂
my latest discovery is lispyville
if you enable it, you can dd
lines or d
regions while keeping parentheses balanced
it's so useful that it's surprising to me that spacemacs doesn't come with it enabled by default
Maybe they don't know? I'm relatively new to the Emacs universe having been a vim user for 15+ years, so there's so much I don't know.
I mean spacemacs developers write lisp code all day
yeah me to, I use slurp, barf, raise, wrap and unwrap
other than that lisp state is clunky
Curious how spacemacs users edit lisp? I never used vim but tried evil a few times, and just gave up after trying to write some clojure and elisp
evil is better for everything... except for lisp
I mean it's not aweful but not as good as paredit or lispy
In paredit you might have to M-C-S-something
but it’s more like one keystroke since you do it over and over, in that lisp state it like “SPC l k j” or whatever and now i need to repeat “l k j” ?
@jfntn no it has this "state" (the little bar goes pink) where keystrokes are interpreted as lisp-state movements
so one thing I can't do in spacemacs:
select a form, and then select the next form too
suppose I want to kill them together, or move them somewhere else
that's the kind of thing that should be easy
I suppose I could just bind that to some vim key I don't use?
@jfntn do you have a list of sexp-related movements/commands in emacs?
@pesterhazy what do you mean?
like C-M-space, I didn't know about that
I have keyfreq turned on as well 🙂
Do you know about SPC s w g
and SPC s w w
? Google Search and Wikipedia Search (with autosuggest via helm)
a window into my soul
you're way ahead of me man
perhaps as an evil user I have to type less?
@beppu, s w g
is actually pretty cool
, that sounds useful
@jfntn I'm surprised you don't use cider-eval-buffer, opting for the finer-grained cider-eval-last-sexp and cider-eval-defun-at-point. (I guess Spacemacs makes cider-eval-buffer easier, so I end up using it more.) , s b
@beppu, I agree, , s b
is more useful
@pesterhazy There's some other crazy stuff under s
that the guys in the Spacemacs gitter channel showed me.
Go into a Clojure project and type SPC s p
and then search for a common string like "defn". This is a normal project-wide search. However.... then type C-c C-e
ivy does that too it’s really cool, though for clojure clj-refactor is way better when it works
@beppu I only have commands matching lispy and sexp in that list, I use cider-load-buffer usually
yeah that editing is kinda cool
helm-ag is my most-used command
(well not according to keyfreq but if feels that way)
@pesterhazy Did you know you could add command line arguments to your ag searches? For example, search for a string and then add -C
to the query to give you context.
yes I did
very useful too
you also need to escape spaces for some reason
very happy with rg by the way
it's used automatically instead of ag if it's installed
it's even faster than ag
I started with ack. I only just recently installed ag. Can't believe I have to upgrade again.
I moved from git grep
to rg
recently and couldn't be happier
yeah I was on git grep
for like 5 years
someone should take this and put it in a wiki somewhere, lots of knowledge, would be sad for it to disappear
there is one
we're all on camera
@pesterhazy cool. I didn't know that existed.
my achievements for the day:
(evil-global-set-key 'normal ";" 'mark-sexp)
(evil-global-set-key 'visual ";" 'mark-sexp)
(evil-global-set-key 'normal "U" 'backward-up-list)
(evil-global-set-key 'normal "R" 'down-list)
(evil-global-set-key 'normal "F" 'forward-sexp)
(evil-global-set-key 'normal "B" 'backward-sexp)
I'm going to see if those help my lispy editing skills
@jfntn you helped me quite a bit there, thanks!
wait what's lispy-flow?
@pesterhazy you’re welcome!
lispy-flow is kind of an odd one, it goes down the sexp tree inwards but tries to not get stuck in a leaf and moves back up and down again, kinda hard to explain and not sure I totally understand it but you quickl build an intuition for it
I found the best help for my lisp skills -- was purchasing an kinesis advantage pro keyboard. It gives room for modifier keys, and thus shorter bindings. <-- for example, hitting the "END" key (right next to the DELETE key) with the thumb, makes hjkl all paredit comands
I have the keyboard as well
@pesterhazy : I'd love to know of any keybindings you have that exploit the kinesis design.
I use only one: I remap delete to escape
unfortunately it didn't help my rsi but rather compounded it
but it's an amazing layout
The main emacs usability improvement for me is to map the cmd keys on the mac to ctrl, and the caps lock key to meta
I can not believe we have a number of adults, supposedly with professional jobs, talking about keyboards and key bindings.
there's a saying that you can tell professional photographers because they'll talk about shoes; amateurs talk about cameras
@dpsutton I'll steal that line
and what you care about in cameras is that they don't fall apart when they get wet or dropped
nice idea @qqq is what got me to doubt vim and consider emacs
I liked but he hasn't put out new content in a while.
(I didn't realize until now that the emacsrocks guy and the parens of the dead guy were the same.)
solarized-light all the way
this is borderline heresey, but is there a evil-normal-mode optimized for LISPY interaction ?
I'm quite fond of the default spacemacs-dark. I also like gruvbox from time to time (from the spacemacs themes-megapack (