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@richiardiandrea @qqq inf-clojure works perfectly with boot 👌


Are any Emacs people coming to ClojureD? We're having an Emacs Berlin meetup a few days before, and we're thinking of making it a Clojure-themed one


It would be super awesome if we could have one or more talks on CIDER/clj-refactor/clojure-mode/inf-clojure/parinfer/...


It'll be Wednesday 22 February, so three days before ClojureD. We could make it an early pre-event for people already in town. Lambda Island is happy to sponsor some pizzas 😉


oi @plexus I would love to but can’t make clojureD this year unfortunately… however i may be in berlin on 16th-17th Feb


@benedek cool! ping me a few days in advance, would love to meet up


@plexus I'm planning on travelling with a friend from Zurich to ClojureD and would love to go to the Emacs meetup. Three days earlier is a lot too early, unfortunately.


that's understandable, some people might not mind spending a few days in Berlin though. The meetup is always the last Wednesday of the month.


I'll try to remember in case I might find myself stranded in Berlin on the forth week of a month^^


Btw, I also wouldn't mind spending some more days(;


does emacs have a kill-9 buffer ?


where instead of kill-buffer, kill-9-buffer does not ask for any confirmation and executes with extreme prejuditce ?


@qqq In the docs for kill-buffer it says....

The functions in ‘kill-buffer-query-functions’ are called with the
buffer to be killed as the current buffer.  If any of them returns nil,
the buffer is not killed.  The hook ‘kill-buffer-hook’ is run before the
buffer is actually killed.  The buffer being killed will be current
while the hook is running.  Functions called by any of these hooks are
supposed to not change the current buffer.
Perhaps you could temporarily override kill-buffer-query-functions with an empty list. (Just a guess. I have not tried it myself.)