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Hey all, Im trying to make some custom faces in emacs, can someone see why this code wont create a box around FIXME: symbol in emacs?

(defface prufa-face
  '((((type graphic)) :box (:color "yellow" :line-width -1))
    (t :underline t :background "#066"))

(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook
	  (lambda ()
	    (font-lock-add-keywords nil '(("\\<\\(FIXME\\):" 1 'prufa-face t)))))


nevermind, I just skip the defface macro and it will work fine

(font-lock-add-keywords nil '(("\\<\\(FIXME2\\):" 1 '(:foreground "red" :box (:color "yellow")) t)))
creates red text in yellow box....


Has anyone moved from a custom config to spacemacs?


I don’t want to learn evil and I’m not sure I like the layers system, but it makes 90% of my config redundant so I’m sort of considering it


i just know converts from vim to spacemacs and they are super happy. Haven't heard too many people going from "vanilla" emacs to such a vim-like experience. I prefer keeping the bindings of emacs as I hear there are a few rough edges in menus and other things


but i hear nothing but praise for spacemacs in general so just check it out


if its like prelude, it'll bundle up your current .emacs.d anyways so there's no risk


@jfntn prelude gives you a pre-configured system without the evil stuff