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anyone else have a problem with emacs where it just stops responding to emacsclient? emacs still works but trying to connect to the frame with emacsclient just hangs until it’s canceled


I’m on OSX, if that helps


I’m at a loss here because it doesn’t happen often but the only recourse is to restart emacs. I’m not even sure how phrase this question to google


I’m connecting with emacsclient -n pom.xml


if I try to run a term instance in these cases it opens and then shuts almost immediately


I have only ever run into that problem when I evaluate something in Cider that causes Emacs to lock up.


I got a similar problem when I upgraded to “El Capitan”, the problem was that the system were using the default emacsclient that OSX provides that is way-way-way older than my emacs and I was not able to connect, and after each system update it seems like my aliases and emacsclient are replaced by the default OSX


hmm well that’s too bad, I’ve already checked to make sure emacsclient is the correct one, thx though