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I’m having this issue trying to lein uberjar a duct app.

  [{:type clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException,
    "Syntax error compiling at (/private/var/folders/94/6nw_xg613t70km9pd19t4sd40000gq/T/form-init2705048076982769724.clj:1:125).",
    {:clojure.error/phase :compile-syntax-check,
     :clojure.error/line 1,
     :clojure.error/column 125,
    :at [clojure.lang.Compiler load "" 7652]}
   {:type java.lang.IllegalArgumentException,
    :message "Cannot open <nil> as an InputStream.",
    :at [$fn__11498 invokeStatic "io.clj" 167]}],
  [[$fn__11498 invokeStatic "io.clj" 167]
   [$fn__11498 invoke "io.clj" 167]
   [$fn__11433$G__11426__11440 invoke "io.clj" 69]
   [duct.core.resource.Resource make_reader "resource.clj" 13]
   [$reader invokeStatic "io.clj" 102]
   [$reader doInvoke "io.clj" 86]
   [clojure.lang.RestFn invoke "" 41
Seems like duct.core.resource is trying to read something, doesn’t happen on the repl or dev


Okay, this was due to a bug in main.clj after I renamed the app:

(-> (duct/resource "foobar-app/config.edn")
It should have been underscore instead

Ahmed Hassan04:07:05

Execution error at integrant.core/read-string (core.cljc:155).
No reader function for tag duct/inlcude
How can I resolve this error? it occurs when we run (go). I'm using deps.edn.