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muuntaja presented some problems with how it formats the body (ByteArrayInputStream), and aws’ expected format
but the gist of it was:
(ns slack-api.lambda
(:require [ :as io]
[duct.core :as duct]
[integrant.core :as ig]
[ :as json]
[uswitch.lambada.core :refer [deflambdafn]]))
(let [config (-> (duct/read-config (io/resource "slack_api/config.edn"))
handler (-> config
(ig/init [:duct.core/handler])
(deflambdafn slack-api.lambda.LambdaFn [is os ctx]
(with-open [writer (io/writer os)]
(let [request (json/read (io/reader is :encoding "UTF-8") :key-fn keyword)
response (handler request)]
(-> response
(as-> body (assoc response :body body))
(assoc :isBase64Encoded false)
(select-keys [:body :statusCode :headers :isBase64Encoded])
(json/write writer))))))