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These are the duct_hiearchy.edn
files on my classpath:
(#object[ 0x21ea7980 "jar:file:/home/tamas/.m2/repository/duct/module.web/0.6.4/module.web-0.6.4.jar!/duct_hierarchy.edn"] #object[ 0x7e5591f0 "jar:file:/home/tamas/.m2/repository/duct/core/0.6.2/core-0.6.2.jar!/duct_hierarchy.edn"] #object[ 0x70af2b72 "jar:file:/home/tamas/.m2/repository/duct/module.ataraxy/0.2.0/module.ataraxy-0.2.0.jar!/duct_hierarchy.edn"] #object[ 0x1fdddee3 "jar:file:/home/tamas/.m2/repository/duct/server.http.jetty/0.2.0/server.http.jetty-0.2.0.jar!/duct_hierarchy.edn"])
In the standalone uberjar there is place only for one of them.duct_hiearchy.edn
files that are not under the root are not found by duct.core/hierarchy-urls
i'm probably missing something basic, if uberjarred duct applications work for you as expected.
the meeging is done by the lein-duct leiningen plugin: maybe thats missing from your project.clj?