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I’m adding an integrant key for seeding my database, so that I can do lein run :my-ns/seeder, similar to rake db:seed. I know I can prevent it from being initialized automatically in production by not inheriting from :duct/daemon; but is there a way to exclude it from initialization, even in development? I suppose I could filter it out in dev.clj prior to (duct/read-config ..)?


@dadair You can filter it out of the map, but a more robust solution would be to make it idempotent.


so more along the lines of having a (when (requires-seeds? db) (seed! db)) in the init-key handler?


Something like that. It ensures the seeding function is safe no matter how it’s applied. Ideally, if an old seed is applied, a newer seed should replace it.


I suppose I could replicate something along the lines of the ragtime_migrations table


It depends on how your database is set up, and whether the seed is constant between production and development.


You could use a migration for it if it was constant.


Initially it was a migration but we want to move it into proper clj files to have more programmatic control (lots of interrelated baseline records). I think your comment on idempotency is the correct approach.


A custom migration record might be a solution. So long as it satisfies the ragtime.protocols/Migration protocol.


On the other hand, it might not be desirable to tie the seed to the migrations if they are sufficiently unrelated.