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[:duct.database.sql/hikaricp :your-ns.db/db-name] {:jdbc-url "jdbc:somedb//etc."}
[:duct.database.sql/hikaricp :your-ns.db/other-db-name] {:jdbc-url "jdbc:someotherdb//etc."}
Like this IIRC.awesome. Thanks a lot @jahson
@weavejester I’m trying to figure out cause of exception when migrator.ragtime
is added to project.clj
> lein new duct foobar +api +example
Generating a new Duct project named foobar...
Run 'lein duct setup' in the project directory to create local config files.
> cd foobar && lein duct setup
Created profiles.clj
Created .dir-locals.el
Created dev/resources/local.edn
Created dev/src/local.clj
> vim project.clj
...add [duct/migrator.ragtime "0.2.0"]...
> lein repl
CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Can't define method not in interfaces: _log, compiling:(duct/logger/timbre.clj:38:1)
@jahson you might try referencing here first
@jahson I’ve followed the steps you posted, but I can’t reproduce the result. Is there something else you added? Have you done a lein clean
@weavejester yeah I’ve done a lein clean
@jahson Is there another step you’ve omitted from your description? If I follow your steps as written, it works fine for me.
@jahson So just adding the migrator.ragtime dependency to an entirely new project causes a failure?
You’ve changed nothing else?
Hm. I tried nuking my dependencies and redownloading. Still can’t replicate the problem.
No dependency issues around the logger…
@jahson What does your dependency tree look like when you run lein deps :tree
Ah, okay, I see. The dependency graph is resolving differently for you.
@jahson You can fix it by putting in an explicit dependency for [duct/logger "0.2.0"]
I’ll update the migrator.ragtime
deps and release a new version.
@weavejester Oh my, I should have done that myself. I’ve even tried using checkout with updated logger dependency but it didn’t worked somehow. Thank you!
It would be nice if Maven/Lein deps were deterministic instead of a crapshoot 🙂