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Sorry, @weavejester any chance that we'll be seeing more docs regarding duct, more so ataraxy, on booleanknot?


@lovuikeng What sort of documentation would you like to see?


As a newbie in clojure land, it would be extremely helpful if there is sample like ToDoMVC with clojurescript to work with duct. I've been looking forward to see re-frame-template to include duct profile for some time now ever since I came to your Advancing Duct on boolean-knot, James 🙂


@lovuikeng Duct is more server-side, but I might do something on combining Duct with GraphQL or writing a REST backend for a TodoMVC.


Yes, James, that is the "missing link" of re-frame to clue to, the server backend, and together with duct has been the full-stack I've been looking for. Thank you for the great work, James, looking forward for the sample 🙂