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Going to announce this in the clojure Google Group shortly: There are now Debian-based variants of the official clojure images up on Docker Hub. These are still using Eclipse Temurin builds of OpenJDK, just w/ the java bits copied from those images (which are Ubuntu-based) into the official Debian images. They are probably the better default starting place for your downstream images than the Ubuntu-based ones b/c you won't run into packages replaced with snaps you can't install. But they are new, so let me know if you run into any issues. You get to these by replacing -jammy or -focal with -bullseye or -bullseye-slim in your tags. I'm leaving -jammy as the default for now to minimize breakage, but I don't recommend staying on the Ubuntu images.

Drew Verlee08:10:17

I don't understand the bit about snaps. Whats an example of a package replaced by a snap? Why wouldn't i be able to install a snap?


Example: chromium-browser (useful for frontend CLJS tests) Try to install a snap in a Docker container. If you succeed please let me know how you did it! :)

Drew Verlee23:10:35

Ubuntu doesn't force snaps though, there just another option right?


Try to install that package without a snap


It will succeed with apt, and then when you run it will say “you have to install this with ‘snap install chromium-browser’” or similar


Believe me, I tried and Googled. A lot. 😆


But let me know if you succeed where I failed! It’s still too much effort either way. Back to Debian!

Drew Verlee23:10:17

Really, odd. I feel i installed it on my personal ubuntu desktop without a snap.

Drew Verlee23:10:57

Mostly surprised Ubuntu would compromise there growth in that way.


Depends on the version. Focal and Jammy require the snap. Otherwise there’s a chromium beta PPA. No thanks for running tests (every failure would beg the question: “beta browser or broken code?”)


Me too! And saddened! I was a big Ubuntu fan for many years…


Glad to hear this. Thanks @U06FS3DLH.

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