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Imagine you have a Clojure backend, a Python backend and a frontend team (all working independently from each other, different release cycles etc) and a pipeline that caters for a specific use case (e.g. a background job that does a specific computation and involves all of the teams). If you were to add SNS topics, where would you put them? 1. a Clojure backend topic, a Python backend topic and a frontend topic, each team would be a publisher to their own topic -> clear bounded contexts/ownership of topics but it's the responsibility of the subscribers to figure out which topic to subscribe to (a kind of complexity? ) 2. A single topic specific to the pipeline, shared by all the teams -> simpler design, publishers and subscribers don't need to know about each other but none of the teams has the ownership/control of the topic it publishes to (it has to go under the jurisdiction of the DevOps team)