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Hello! Is it possible to setup my project in such a way that devcards are created alongside the rest of the application? I'd like to have a route "/devcards" that would serve a devcards.html where the devcards are mounted.
Looking at the devcards-template, I get the feeling that the intended workflow is that I start with lein figwheel devcards
if I want to use devcards, and then switch to lein figwheel dev
if I want to use the actual app.. but that can't be right
What logic does devcards use for.. mounting itself? It feels like it just attaches itself to the page
I mean, I'm used to having a `<div id="app"></div>" somewhere, and then mounting the entry point there client-side
I've been using clojure for a year now, but this is the first time I'm actually starting a project from scratch by myself, so I'm a bit lost still. but making progress! 😄
Woot, seems to work. Though the actual card doesn't show up. Should devcards work with Rum?
(rum/defc input < rum/reactive [ref]
[:input {:type "text"
:value (rum/react ref)
:style {:width 100}
:on-change #(reset! ref (.. % -target -value))}])
(defcard (controls)))
The documentation for defc says: "Defc does couple of things:
1. Wraps body into sablono/compile-html
2. Generates render function from that
3. Takes render function and mixins, builds React class from them
4. Using that class, generates constructor fn [params]->ReactElement
5. Defines top-level var with provided name and assigns ctor to it
(defc name doc-string? [< mixins+]? [params*] render-body+)"(ns frontendfi.views.controls
[rum.core :as rum])
[devcards.core :as dc :refer [defcard deftest]])))
This is my ns declarationAll this time I've just been staring at the server-side rendered components that don't actually do anything, without realising I specifically disabled mounting the rum components so that I see the server-side rendering is working
Hmm, if I require devcards in the components file, what can I do to not include in a production build?
I defined devcards as a development dependency in my project.clj, but lein uberjar
fails now
I know I could define the cards in a separate file, and in a production build that file could be empty