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Hello! I'm trying to build an uberjar of my app using depstar and I get this error...

Exception in thread "main" Syntax error compiling at (calculators/web.clj:1:1).
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.gzip.GzipHandler
The calculators.web namespace has this...
(:import org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.gzip.GzipHandler)
I'm using ring-jetty-server 1.9.2, which includes jetty-server 9.4.38.v20210224 , where the GzipHandler class is defined. Moreover, when I start the app from the REPL, there are no issues, the GzipHandler class is found and I get gzipped responses from the server. Any idea on why depstar doesn't find the class?


@xavi when you run your app from the REPL do you add any aliases that cause Ring to be added?


No. I have Ring directly in :deps...

 {ring/ring-core {:mvn/version "1.9.2"}
  ring/ring-jetty-adapter {:mvn/version "1.9.2"}
OTOH, I tried removing the references to GzipHandler and now it doesn't find Stuart Sierra's Component, which the app also depends on.


It seems it doesn't find any dependency?


I tried changing the :replace-deps in the depstar alias with :extra-deps (I know that according to the depstar README I have to use :replace-deps , but I'm exploring the problem šŸ™‚ , then it fails with...

Execution error (NullPointerException) at hf.depstar.uberjar/compile-arguments (uberjar.clj:545).
Cannot invoke "clojure.lang.Named.getName()" because "x" is null


Also, I had a dev/user.clj and I had "dev" in paths...

:paths ["dev" "resources" "src/clj" "src/cljs" "src/cljc"]
I removed "dev" from paths and now...
clojure -X:uberjar :jar app.jar
Execution error (NullPointerException) at hf.depstar.uberjar/compile-arguments (uberjar.clj:545).
Cannot invoke "clojure.lang.Named.getName()" because "x" is null
(So the same error I got after changing :replace-deps with :extra-deps)


ah, just before that "Execution error...", there's...

[main] INFO hf.depstar.uberjar - Compiling nil ...


Oops, sorry... I wasn't specifying the namespace to compile. It worked after specifying :main-class

clojure -X:uberjar :aot true :jar app.jar :main-class calculators.main


...and that works even after adding back the GzipHandler, but not if I also add back "dev" to :paths


Ok, no problem, I don't need dev/user.clj in the uberjar, but I still wonder why that breaks it


Well, if something is dev-only, it should not be on your paths/deps by default ā€” you should put it behind an alias.


right... just wondering why that breaks the uberjar build


Iā€™m curious too. I donā€™t know if you can share your deps.edn file and the contents of your dev folder?


/dev only has user.clj...

(ns user
  (:require [ :refer (refresh)]
            [calculators.main :as main]
            [com.stuartsierra.component :as component]
            [clojure.repl :refer (apropos dir doc find-doc pst source)]


(def system
  "A Var containing an object representing the application under

(defn init
  "Creates and initializes the system under development in the Var
  (println "init")
  (alter-var-root #'system
                  (-> {:web-port 8080}

(defn start
  "Starts the system running, updates the Var #'system."
  (println "start")
  (alter-var-root #'system component/start))

(defn stop
  "Stops the system if it is currently running, updates the Var
  (alter-var-root #'system #(when % (component/stop %))))

(defn reset []
  ;(tnr/refresh :after 'user/start)
  (println "reset called")
  (refresh :after 'user/go))

(defn go []
  (println "go")

(println "dev/user.clj loaded.")
 {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.10.3"}
  org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.10.773"}
  org.clojure/core.async {:mvn/version "0.3.442"}
  com.stuartsierra/component {:mvn/version "1.0.0"}
  compojure {:mvn/version "1.6.2"}
  ring/ring-core {:mvn/version "1.9.2"}

  ring/ring-jetty-adapter {:mvn/version "1.9.2"}

  hiccup {:mvn/version "1.0.5"}
  optimus {:mvn/version "0.19.2"}

  rum {:mvn/version "0.10.8" :exclusions [sablono]}
  sablono {:mvn/version "0.8.0"}

  org.clojure/tools.namespace {:mvn/version "1.1.0"}

 ["resources" "src/clj" "src/cljs" "src/cljc"]
 {:dev {:main-opts ["-m" "cljs.main"
                    "--compile-opts" "dev.cljs.edn"
                    "--compile" "calculators.frontend.core"
  {:replace-deps {com.github.seancorfield/depstar {:mvn/version "2.0.211"}}
   :exec-fn hf.depstar/uberjar
   :exec-args {:aot true}}}}


OK, so I think itā€™s a bug that it tries to use the main class when :aot true and :main-class not specified (thatā€™s the ā€œCompiling nilā€ issue). I donā€™t know why adding dev causes problems but it gives me something to look at.


For now you have a workaround and youā€™re able to continue @xavi?


I think I figured out the issue @xavi: because dev/user.clj is on your default path, Clojure itself runs it when you try to start depstar ā€” so :replace-deps wonā€™t work here because that removes Component etc from the classpath and dev/user.clj will not evaluate without it. Iā€™m not sure why you didnā€™t get a full exception trying to run depstar in that situation ā€” hereā€™s what I got:

(! 1137)-> clojure -X:uberjar
Exception in thread "main" Syntax error compiling at (user.clj:1:1).
Caused by: Could not locate com/stuartsierra/component__init.class, com/stuartsierra/component.clj or com/stuartsierra/component.cljc on classpath.
	at user$eval138$loading__6737__auto____139.invoke(user.clj:2)
When I switched to :extra-deps, that worked (with the caveat about trying to compile nil without :main-class provided).


You mean why i didn't get an exception saying that the error was in user.clj like you did? In my case the error is reported in calculators/web.clj , which you don't have, and also references GzipHandler and Component. I guess the compiler tried to compile that before user.clj and that's why I got the error there instead.


Ah, yes, that makes sense.


Also, what version of the Clojure CLI are you using? clojure -Sdescribe


{:version ""


OK, cool. Just wanted to verify youā€™re on a recent version, to eliminate other possible weirdness.


Iā€™m on a recent version so I get lots of deprecation warnings about the unqualified lib names:

(! 1148)-> clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {com.github.seancorfield/depstar {:local/root "/Developer/workspace/depstar"}}}' -X hf.depstar/uberjar :aot true :jar test.jar :main-class calculators.main 
dev/user.clj loaded.
DEPRECATED: Libs must be qualified, change compojure => compojure/compojure (/Users/sean/clojure/issue-77/deps.edn)
DEPRECATED: Libs must be qualified, change rum => rum/rum (/Users/sean/clojure/issue-77/deps.edn)
DEPRECATED: Libs must be qualified, change sablono => sablono/sablono (/Users/sean/clojure/issue-77/deps.edn)
DEPRECATED: Libs must be qualified, change sablono => sablono/sablono (/Users/sean/clojure/issue-77/deps.edn)
DEPRECATED: Libs must be qualified, change optimus => optimus/optimus (/Users/sean/clojure/issue-77/deps.edn)
DEPRECATED: Libs must be qualified, change hiccup => hiccup/hiccup (/Users/sean/clojure/issue-77/deps.edn)
DEPRECATED: Libs must be qualified, change compojure => compojure/compojure (/Users/sean/clojure/issue-77/deps.edn)
DEPRECATED: Libs must be qualified, change rum => rum/rum (/Users/sean/clojure/issue-77/deps.edn)
DEPRECATED: Libs must be qualified, change sablono => sablono/sablono (/Users/sean/clojure/issue-77/deps.edn)
DEPRECATED: Libs must be qualified, change sablono => sablono/sablono (/Users/sean/clojure/issue-77/deps.edn)
DEPRECATED: Libs must be qualified, change optimus => optimus/optimus (/Users/sean/clojure/issue-77/deps.edn)
DEPRECATED: Libs must be qualified, change hiccup => hiccup/hiccup (/Users/sean/clojure/issue-77/deps.edn)
[main] INFO hf.depstar.uberjar - Compiling calculators.main ...
[main] INFO hf.depstar.uberjar - Building uber jar: test.jar


Note the dev/user.clj loaded. message before the rest of the CLI output.


In my case I don't see it, because for me the exception happens in calculators/web.clj, which seems to be compiled before user.clj like we said before


I meant, when the process is successful.


I think just adding :replace-paths [] (per the notes in the GH issue) should solve the problem.


(youā€™ll still end up with dev/user.clj in your JAR ā€” and itā€™ll still run in the compilation process inside depstar ā€” but that would stop it running in the main depstar process, which has no other dependencies than depstar itself, due to :replace-deps ā€” does that make sense?)


Yes, :replace-paths [] works ... although like you said before, dev/user.clj shouldn't be in paths/deps by default, so i'll remove it from there and then there's no need to use :replace-paths [] And yes, although i don't know the full details of how depstar works, your explanation makes sense to me


Iā€™ve fixed #76 on develop (the default branch) and Iā€™ve addressed #77 by adding a note to the README about user.clj and :replace-paths [] (see notes in that ticket for more details).


Great! Thanks Sean for digging into this, and for all your contributions to the Clojure ecosystem!

šŸ˜Š 3